Green boost for Shoreham Harbour regeneration project

Released: Monday, 26 June 2023

Shoreham Harbour is set to benefit from a grant of £300,000 to support climate change and biodiversity projects as part of the Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) for Shoreham Harbour. 

Adur District Council, Brighton & Hove City Council, West Sussex County Council and Shoreham Port Authority are working in partnership to regenerate Shoreham Harbour and the surrounding areas.

The aim of the JAAP is to transform Shoreham Harbour into a vibrant, thriving waterfront destination providing new homes and jobs and by consolidating port activities in the Eastern Harbour Arm to ensure the  Shoreham Port continues to play a vital role in the local economy. 

The fund is part of more than £750,000 of Government Eco-Towns grant secured by the partnership with Adur benefitting from £290,000 to primarily use to deliver the Shoreham Joint Area Action Plan. Brighton & Hove City Council received £460,000 for sustainability projects.

The funding allocated for Brighton was originally earmarked for a redevelopment project which would achieve the highest standards of sustainability, but as the scheme has not progressed, the partnership has agreed that the funding be split between the regeneration partnership.

Projects which support green travel corridors and active travel and which lie along travel routes close to the harbour will be prioritised, while £100,000 would be made available to local community groups.

The proposal was approved by Brighton & Hove City Council’s new Strategy, Finance & City Regeneration Committee on Thursday, June 22nd, following agreement by the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration partners. 

Steve Neocleous, Adur District Council's Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategic Planning, said:

“Shoreham Harbour is an incredibly important area for Sussex both for residents, businesses and visitors and it is important we give as much support as possible for the economic growth of the region.

“Adur District Council remains totally committed to our goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030 and this is another important project that promotes that target by creating a green corridor.

“I am particularly excited about the opportunity for local groups to apply for funding to enhance biodiversity and greening of the key transport corridors along the harbour.”

Photo: Shoreham Harbour

PR23-085 - Shoreham Harbour


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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